
Episode 2: Statues

And we’re back. Episode 2: Statues is now available for download or streaming here on our website or on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or Spotify.

We want to send a special shout out to Copenhagen beatmaker Boef1 who has so graciously and generously infused our podcast with some really dope beats. Check out his music on Bandcamp!

Boef1 on Bandcamp

In the wake of the George Floyd’s unjust and tragic killing at the hands of police, a wave of civil unrest, nay, rebellion against racism has erupted across the United States and the rest of the world. We are experiencing a moment of paradigmatic revolution, both in the consciousness of our culture and in the physical spaces we share. Statues – the tangible monuments to figures of historical significance (or notoriety, if not outright infamy) – have adorned the public squares of cities all across the world. Statues celebrate the purported history, if not the mythology of figures whose impact has been deemed worthy of remembrance.

However, when historical figures have risen to fame or power in the context of systemic racism, when they are guilty of high crimes and treachery and malevolence against other human beings, we ought to think critically about how their stories are presented in public fora, and whether such statues that pay them tribute ought to exist at all.

Our second episode is an honest discussion of the topic of statues. Where the discourse has been largely uncritical until recent months, we at Dialectic Peoples are ready to elevate the debate.

Let’s get in to it.

Links for Episode 2: Statues


Artikel De Conincks vej i Sjællandske Nyheder, heri også link til radioprogram:

Anders Jerichow’s debatindlæg i Politiken, men gemt bag betalingsvæg

12 bygninger der trækker spor til vores tid som slavenation:

I am queen Mary


Queen Mary, Queen Agnes, Queen Mathilda (DANISH)


Book: Exterminate All The Brutes by Sven Lindqvist

Ken Burns on statues

The truth about the Confederacy


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