
Episode 5: Follow The Money

In Episode 5, we talk about the motives, intentions and economic incentives in so-called “antiracism” and activism in the rapidly evolving debate on racial justice. So many people are desperate to know what they can do to not be racist. Brands and organizations have gone out of their way to appear as positive actors in a precarious racial discourse. Books about systemic racism, such as Robin D’Angelo’s White Fragility have been selling out of bookstores in recent months. 

It has become morally hazardous to be perceived as racist in any way, and while widespread intolerance of racism important, that cannot be the only driving factor for trying to be antiracist. Actually fighting against racism through productive dialogue and responsible behavior is vastly more important that just appearing to do so.


Episode 3: The “N-Word”

In Episode 3 of the Dialectic Peoples podcast, we discuss a word that is perhaps the most contraversial word in the English language – the “N” word. Usage, translation, history, context – all the ways in which this powerful word has plagued and empowered the people who have used it and those whom it has been used against.

Disclaimer: There is use of language in this episode that some may find offensive. We encourage listeners to use their discretion.

Notice: We experienced some technical difficulties at the beginning of the recording, so there are some elements of noise in the first 5 minutes that will affect sound quality.  Thank you for your patience.